We all have noticed the news, kept for us for months. 3 members of the Royal family now have cancer at the same time. All jabbed. multiple times. This is not "business normal". .
To put it in the american way; The Shit-storm is about to hit the fan.
10s of millions of others are in the same boat. There is a time-delay from the jabs, the radiation, and the gradual destruction of the immune system due to radiation and poison.
Pfizer bought a Cancer Treatment company as their new way to earn money from causing the cancer pandemic by the C19 jabs, along with very dangerous 5G radiation.
1. Massive radiation from 4G+ and 5G is 1000 times higher than safe levels.
2. Massive toxins from jabs of Nano tech of Darpa Hydrogel and Graphene Quantum Dots.
3. Combinator effect of both and internal antennas of high radiation as shown by Dr Ana Mihalcea.
Cancer is a reaction of radiation and a defect in the immune system following at least 3 jabs, acc. to the huge Cleveland study. The IGG4 is likely SKYHIGH, and this is likely due to a PH between 5-6, extreme acid. In such an acidity the immune system is GONE.
The cancer seems to be in the stomach area, like pancreatic cancer. I know a lot about this, because my best friend, Terje, died of it at a young age. Often, the stomach fills up with liquid and gets large, and the rest of the body gets starved.
The toxins take down the 02 level and create a massive drop in PH.
The Princess of Wales had already lost a lot of weight, an indication of huge problems for months. This is not normal cancer, but turbo cancer, that is 90% sure.
The turbo effect is most likely connected to the very low PH level due to the combined toxins of 1-2-and 3.
Dr Robert O Young is the best qualified in the world to confirm or deny my claims.
Kind regards
Anders Brunstad
https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/A ... 6f031192d1
A Central Highspeed Lane Routing Protocol for Flow Guided Intra body Nanonetworks
Xinwei Yao, Lan Lin, Masoud Asghari
Published in International Conference on… 21 April 2023
Engineering, Medicine
A central high-speed lane routing protocol, which selects nano-nodes with high speed in the central layer of blood flow and forms a directional relaying chain for other non-central nano-Nodes, which helps improve the throughput and success rate of the nanonetworks with high node density and the utilization and life cycle of the nano- nodes.
The development of nanotechnology in recent years makes intra-body flow-guided nanonetworks more feasible. Monitoring different biomarkers, detecting infectious agents, locating cancerous cells, delivering drugs accurately and other medical application are under study. Taking the consideration of the laminar blood flow feature of blood vessels, where concentric layers of blood with different velocities move along in the length of the vessels and the central layer (i.e., lane) has the highest velocity, this paper proposes a central high-speed lane routing protocol, which selects nano-nodes with high speed in the central layer of blood flow and forms a directional relaying chain for other non-central nano-nodes. This protocol helps improve the throughput and success rate of the nanonetworks with high node density and the utilization and life cycle of the nano-nodes. The protocol is simulated under the blood vessel model combined with laminar movement model in Nano-Sim platform, and has been proven its great performance.
Enclosure; The INRI memo on Turbo Cancer.
You are welcome to support my research; I have worked intensely for 15 months with minimal funding.
Please support this important research;
https://www.givesendgo.com/INRI5GC19Nan ... m_source=x
The Princess of Wales got Cancer after 3-5 jabs. What is the logic; 42 year old. Caused by "nano-nukes" from C19 Jabs?
The Princess of Wales got Cancer after 3-5 jabs. What is the logic; 42 year old. Caused by "nano-nukes" from C19 Jabs?
Våres 3 kampsaker er: Ytringsfriheten, Demokratiet og menneskerettighetene. -FRIHET!
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Vipps noen kroner til DINMAKT.NO Tlf.40310231, slik at vi kan fortsette kampen mot sensuren!
Våres 3 kampsaker er: Ytringsfriheten, Demokratiet og menneskerettighetene. -FRIHET!
Vi tør der andre tier, et sensurfritt forum!
Vipps noen kroner til DINMAKT.NO Tlf.40310231, slik at vi kan fortsette kampen mot sensuren!
Re: The Princess of Wales got Cancer after 3-5 jabs. What is the logic; 42 year old. Caused by "nano-nukes" from C19 Jab
With nanochip inserted on wrist or forehead of Elon musk,... We'll no longer be free of our actions. No more freedom of speech.