Important info..The KGB operates in Russia and the Mossad in Israel..

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Important info..The KGB operates in Russia and the Mossad in Israel..

Post by Sigve »

The C.I.A controls the press globally for their own profits of propaganda which is oppressing societies to the level of genocide and invasion.

The KGB operates in Russia and the Mossad in Israel...The most powerful is the Mossad therefore we are exposing that C.I.A founded the viruses in labs of China Wuhan for the extermination of population in Asia and then it spread globally...which it's under the Anglo Saxon agenda to kill other populations who are not in the Anglo Saxon world...

The C.I.A invests in the medical industry and psychiatry clinics to causing damage in the minds of people...their goal is to step by step controlling minds and persuade them to do what they want... What have we reached...

Destruction and criminal societies for their agenda...humanity is in real danger of going extinct... governments operate with no feelings and emotionless which it's a machine orientated link to humans and nature... A chaotic and ignorant way to rule humanity...

Defy medical doctors and reveal against their state, measures we take for living in nature as its our lives we are running to in danger of extinction. Say stop to controlling tech and corps exploiting.

During the Spaniard inquisition...them clerical entities killed 9 million European women for their healing enchantments skills...the women used herbs for healing and clergymen thought of them as witches...not far away from that,

nowadays medical industry uses the same reptilian ways of committing genocide... Once more it's remarkable the ignorant and criminale methods they apply to societies and nature.
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