Follow up on your 5G microwave (case, Reinert Fuellmich)

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Follow up on your 5G microwave (case, Reinert Fuellmich)

Post by Sigve »

Hi Reiner

I have seen your 2. interview with your Uk star witness

Completely independent and prior to this, in early Feb, I started a research of all cause mortality death in my home country Norway

After 4 weeks , I understood I had found something, but I did not understand what.

I believed the c19 vax alone would explain the massive increase of All Cause Mortality

But I found a variation I could not understand in many municipalities

I found a Common Law Natural law suit on 5G and C19 and started a research on 5G and also graphene

After the new hypothesis on 5G was established, I made initial statistical analyses of death per age group per municipalities and grouped municipalities into 3 sub groups;

1. early 5G
2. 5 G in operation all or partly 2022
3. no 5 G in op in 2022 as Control Gr

Shocker result;

3. much lower All Cause Mortality

5 G seems to kill approx half of the increase in all cause mortality increase

Now I am doubling down and doing 6 x half year all cause mortality 2020-2022

I came to the conclusion; there is NO virus as a cause of all cause mortality at all ( ref claim by Kary Mullis.
On HIV. And Rudolf Steiner on Spanish Flue. Virus is a by-product of illness, not a cause.

Imagine what a Bomb for Big Pharma and the corrupted official Narrative

Because Age Group 80+ has lower excess death than 65-79 consistantly 2020 and 2021 and 2022

I checked against the big increase in excess mortality in 2016. Same thing

In 2015-2017-8 the 4G + was rolled out. Caused the «big flue in» 2015-2017. (3-10 x stronger then 4G

The 4G was rolled out in 2009-2011, was the cause of the Swine flue.
Just imagine what a bomb that is!

Asian flue in 1956-7 was caused by the introduction of Microwave radio and radar systems after the invention in 1954 of the Marder- microwave

The Spanish Flue was a combination og Military and civilian global Introduction of RADIO on FM

And the Rockefeller 23 x vax experiment; a blue copy of c19

5G was launched in Wuhan in November 2019....

Explains why it did not spread to Bejing and Shanghai.

C19 is 5G radiation

The Hong Kong flue in 1968 was linked to massive radiation from many geo stationary and non geo stationary Satelites.

Can we cooperate on The Next Phase?

I am working on a team to Publish my research and it will be scientific and a base for Class Action on Big Tekecom 5G rollout.

Its a different Ball Game, because these Giants have no legal Immunity

Its a gigantic biblical case

Me and You as David Against Goliat

Big Telecom is Big Brother front!

To understand it all;

See enclosed BOMB!

It connects the DOTS.

A written Satanic Bible of the Bilderbergee Group from 1979.



Litt tillegg..
Dagen før rettssaken om helsevirkninger fra AMS-målerne starter i Borgarting lagmannsrett (5. - 9. september) er det betimelig å lese om de begredelige livsvilkårene til nordmenn som er blitt syke av stråling.

Takk til NY TID som tok inn kronikken min, der jeg blant annet kommer med en direkte appell til norske helse- og strålevernmyndigheter om at det må opprettes strålefrie soner som ikke dekkes av mobilnettverket, der el-overfølsomme kan søke tilflukt.
Våres 3 kampsaker er: Ytringsfriheten, Demokratiet og menneskerettighetene. -FRIHET!
Vi tør der andre tier, et sensurfritt forum!
Vipps noen kroner til DINMAKT.NO Tlf.40310231, slik at vi kan fortsette kampen mot sensuren!
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