Science methods and fake scientists and scientism. Historically and updated with this week data.

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Science methods and fake scientists and scientism. Historically and updated with this week data.

Post by Sigve »

Dear Ferdinand

I am sending you this communication. As a continuation of our science based dialogue.
Due to the ongoing lies in Main Stream Medias on the rather good summer in parts of the world,
However, The West Coast of Norway is not cooking. It has poured rain for 2 months! Unfortunately, it is rather normal. We call it the July Fog. It often lasts for at least a month….

Science start with Real Data. Not Predictions.

Observed data is the base for formulation of hypothesis.

To be testing the data set.

If the hypothesis fails to explain data, it should be cancelled.

And new hypothesis formulated.

And so on.

It is not correct nor «nice» to deny and cancel data. Which does not fit into your favorite C02 hyphotesis.

Like you do with massive amounts of data from Ernst Bech. Which he collected from many sources.
Proving that C02 levels in 1942 was at the same level like now.
Connected or correlated to a hot period. Connected or correlated to a more active sun, with higher sunspots.

There was correlation of temp and C02 with Ernst Bech data.

The short period of high C02 coincided with a temperature top in 1920-1945,
With a top in mid 30s. With more temp records set in that period than in the 1980-2020 period.

Temp is up again 1980-2020. On high C02. Like it also was in 1930-1945.

Most UN fake scientist not only disregards and cancel the actual measures C02 collected by Beck

They also cancelled the real hot climate in the 1930s. By manipulation of real observed data.

They were sticking to their failed C02 driving hypothesis

Even after the C02 Models failed, as the temp top was in 1999, and is falling after 2016. And will continue to fall. And drag the C02 down also. Down the road.

The claim was that the extra heating from the fake C02 models had escaped into deep oceans. False.

This is scientism and fake science.

It is so because of corruption, massive corruption. By both scientists like you and in concert with a corrupt and lying fake stream media. Enjoy listening to Laura Ingrahams monolog last night see link.

Yesterday show by Laura Ingraham frames the False Prophets perfectly,

The better and stronger hypothesis are
1. Valentine Zharkovas about the changes caused by variations in the Solar Magnetic fields
And further, the weaker solar magnetic fields will cause an increase in vulcanic activities.
Which is her most Recent science Findings. See link below.

2. Henrik Svensmark about the reduced solar magnetic fields leads to more cosmic rays
Causing more cloud formation and cooler climate.

3. As well as Pierse Corbyn, claiming that ie the current heat waves in England and Wales is caused
By derailed jetstreams now going from south to north, bringing African heath north,
Due to weak solar magnetic fields not holding on to the jetstreams
Which normally goes from west to east, connected to the rotation of our planet. (See link to this below).

The hot Jetstream will be short lived. It is a weather issue. And NOT a climate issue.
See temp forecasts for London falling to less then 20 degrees C. Already tomorrow.

I was in Brighton Hove 3 weeks in July 1983. It was also hot. Same same. A most fantastic summer.

Whilst Fake News Promoter BBC today falsely claims it is due to humans emmissions of C02.
See enclosed false statement by BBC Malu Cursino. Claiming that
« Heatwaves have become more frequent and more intense, and last longer because of human-induced climate change.«

The UK heat wave lasted about 48 hours. And was caused by a jetstream going from south to north.
This again was caused by the extreme low magnetic field from a weak sun, now on its path to get to a
Grand Solar Mimimum in 2030, and acc to Zarkova lasting to about 2053.

These 3 hypothesis are still strong and NOT PROVEN WRONG,

AS THE CO2 hypothesis has been proven to be. Time and again.

Kind regards

Anders Brunstad

Sent from Proton Mail for iOS

BBC article
Temp London

1. Zharkova Grand Solar Minimum ... r-decades/

https://solargsm. ... r-decades/ ... r-minimum/

2. Svensmark: Cloud formation cooling the earth on increased Coamic rays on weak solar magnetic field ... te-change/ ... s-climate/

3. Piers Corbyn: Jetstreams in sinus curves disrupted causing huge short term wheather variations. ... ections-2/ ... ?a=730&c=5

Piers Corbyn says:- "The Displaced (from North) 'Polar Vortex' situation - ie Jet stream shifted very South over Britain and Ireland and (west) Europe - happened on cue and widespread snow came on cue ~4th (see pics report 4th+5th...). The great southward lurch/shift/meander of The Jet Stream (or 'polar vortex displacment' in journalize) turned out MORE EXTREME than our BI 45d and BI+Eu 30d forecasts, although the 6 month ahead less detailed statement is well followed; meaning that extreme snow events came further East into Europe and further South - ie amazing snow in North Spain.
The further South Jet-Stream shift also meant that the West-East boundary of the High pressure over Atlantic/Ireland/west Britain moved smartly East - confirming the bitter and biting cold forecast for Britain and Ireland bur without much snow. The bitter cold, ice and biting winds were just as dangerous and troublesome for #NHSwinter as we warned but without the snow which unfortunately for some appears to be the only measure of winter weather they have ever known.
The mild burst from 13/14th for Britain & Ireland looks to be very well on cue and the Br+Ir temperature forecast graph continues to be very well followed. What comes next, during next week, also looks like it will be confirming our Weather Action SLAT11 foreacast even if becoming established in a different manner.
"Our WeatherAction (SLAT11, stratosphere) longer range forecast of the Sudden (upper) stratospheric warming (termed 'SSW') in early-Mid Jan and subsequent warmingS in the lower stratosphere and consequent very wild meanders in the Jet Stream has been totally confirmed.
It is worth noting that the fact of wild jet stream behaviour following (upper) SSWs, is not a new WeatherAction idea and was known to astrophysicists in the late '60s but unknown or ignored by the meteorological establishment which to this day remain determinedly ignorant of and hostile to Physics beyond the most basic Newtonian mechanics and classical quasi-equilibrium thermodynamics. [Evidenced by reactions at the Royal Met Soc meeting reported below on 7th Feb]. Our advance is (i) the ability to predict (upper) SSWs, (ii) the realisation that consequent Lower stratosphere SSWs occur and preceed the (very) wild extra meandering of the Jet Stream and (iii) predict the timing of and approximate location of these wild meanders.

CO2 levels are Effect NOT Cause of

CO2 levels are Effect NOT Cause of Climate Changes
That's not what you've been told by #MSM! Piers Corbyn spells out the facts in Easy points on why CO2-Climate story fails - pdf:
Piers' Top videos YouTube dismembering CO2 hoax! -Climate hoax over? Follow on new vid - Piers challenges Prof Stephen Hawking to stop backing Climate Hoax: (26-03-17) release below, also ... ange-hoax/ on w-o-w.
Piers Corbyn Vid destroying lies on TV by Brian Cox - Climate Conspiracy theorist ... y-theorist

Those who only study one small piece of the complex puzzle that is weather and climate will make specious unhelpful comments, as usual. Others, especially those trying to make more accurate weather and thereby climate forecasts, will understand. We know the IPCC and all national forecasts are consistently wrong. We also know some achieve better results, but they are marginalized and ridiculed by the “official” agencies. Even mention of them here will trigger the cynicism. In general, for seasonal and annual patterns of weather, the Old Farmers Almanac has a reasonable record. It uses sunspot activity among other things. Piers Corbyn survives in the marketplace, where, if he were consistently wrong he would be out of business. His results gained attention from the Mayor of London.

I have not a clue whether his methods are sound or not. But when so many of his forecasts seem to come true, and when he seems to be so consistently ahead of the Met Office, I feel I want to know more.

Corbyn does not disclose his input and methods for commercial reasons. We do know magnetism is part of the mix. The IPCC, and some of its participants, do not fully disclose method and input with no justification, although we know they don’t include magnetism. Their motive is also commercial. They need to keep the industry of deception going, which requires keeping government and crony capitalist funding flowing. It doesn’t matter if the forecasts fail, the political success it what matters. It is essential for them to include or exclude factors that achieve the political goal. Unfortunately, too many skeptics are also unaware of many of the factors, but at least most of them are willing to listen.

Frequency of volcanic eruptions will increase in cycle 26 that can reduce terrestrial temperature

Frequency of volcanic eruptions will increase in cycle 26 that can reduce terrestrial temperature
Volcanic eruptions are known to cause a terrestrial temperature reduction. For example, in 1992-1994 it was a significant cooling on Earth because of a large eruption of ashes into the stratosphere after the eruption of volcano Pinatubo in Philippines. This led to a reduction of solar radiation by 2.5 W/m^2 that, in turn, led to a reduction of temperature by 0.7C. The eruption of volcano Tambora in Indonesia in 1815 led to the reduction of a global terrestrial temperature by 3C. Hence, knowledge about possible volcanic eruptions in the future can help people to anticipate the consequences and to prepare humankind how to overcome these consequences.

In the paper by Vasilieva and Zharkova, 2022 ... lcanos.pdf, which will appear soon in the Astrophysical Journal, the authors demonstrated with the wavelet and correlation analysis that there is a strong correlation between the eruptions of volcanos in the last two centuries and 22 year activity cycles of the solar background magnetic field. This 22 years period is associated with the Hale’s magnetic cycle caused by the solar dynamo when the magnetic polarity of leading sunspot (or solar background) magnetic fields has the full recurrence.

We demonstrate that the largest number of volcanic eruptions occurs during 11-year cycles when the solar background magnetic field has a southern polarity. The maxima of eruptions in years 1868-1950 correlate closely (the correlation coefficient of 0.84) with the maxima of magnetic field of southern polarity. The next anticipated maximum of volcanic eruptions is expected during cycle 26 (2031-2042), when SBMF will have a southern magnetic polarity that can affect solar radiation input to Earth in the current Grand Solar Minimum (GSM) (2020-2053) (Zharkova et al, 2015

This finding becomes essential in the light of the Grand Solar Minimum the Sun entered in its magnetic activity in cycles 25-27, or 2020-2053. The solar activity already has shown the signs of reduction of sunspot numbers and formation of active regions, the further 60-70% reduction of solar activity is expected in cycle 26 owing to the GSM that can lead to a decrease of solar radiation deposited to Earth.

Therefore, in cycle 26 (2031-2042) when the solar background magnetic field will have southern polarity this can cause the increase of volcanic eruptions. This can lead to further reduction of the terrestrial temperature caused by the GSM that can temporarily offset any temperature increases occurred of the last few centuries known as global warming.
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Re: Science methods and fake scientists and scientism. Historically and updated with this week data.

Post by Red-Pill-Junkie »

Globalistsvina holder på igjen. Det som før het fint sommervær, kaller nå pressen i store overskrifter for "ekstremt farlig hetebølge". Brannene i Europa minner dessuten mye om brannene i Australia årene før de dro igang corona-hoaxen. Jeg er temlig sikker på at de brannene var resultat at intensiv dumping av kjemikalier fra disse som sprayer oss som insekter ovenfra og at kjemikaliene på skogbunnen gjorde at brannene hadde ekstra gode vilkår for å spre seg. Alt for å drive folk inn til smart-cities. Minner litt om hvordan de drev indianerne i midtvesten inn i reservater, ved å omtrent systematisk utrydde bøfflene og ta fra dem muligheten til å være selvforsørget. Nå er det vår tur...
Jeg plukker ut noen videoer jeg finner viktige og oversetter, legger til undertekster på norsk og legger dem ut på Bitchutesiden min; Håpet er at disse da kan spres og sees av fler.
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