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Post by Sigve »


For those who take sex very lightly, I leave this information here.
Chakras regenerate every 7 years, so if you've been with a person even once, their energy will stay with you for 7 years. That is if you don't clean there properly.
When you have sex with someone, a whole energetic process begins.
Mainly the root chakras (Muladhara) of both, come together and from this intimacy the auras merge, merge to create a great auric energy around the two.
Through separation, it leaves an energetic and karmic imprint. The more relationships you have with a person, the deeper the connection.
That's why sometimes you remember so much about your ex or who you became intimate with and you change your vibration and create energetic links that bring them together where they then continue to transmit energy on a subtle level.
In every relationship, some of the other person's energy is acquired. If you have relationships with people who are mainly dense, unconscious, devoid of light and love, unstable, then you acquire the same thing ...
You change to a paradigm where nothing makes you happy even though you have many reasons to be. If the other person did something that marked their karma, you acquire it and it can attract painful experiences.
On the contrary, if you are in a relationship with someone who is aware, full of light, full of love and who keeps their energy clean, a wonderful exchange of positive energy is generated for both people. Both grow in love and awareness.
The energy of love and sexuality is so great and magical that it vibrates so high that you reach an expanded state of consciousness. That energy also remains in you and me as new light codes.
If you sleep with a person who currently already has a partner, you consequently acquire the energy of that person and the partner (and the partner's partners).
There are no culprits, only unconscious people and consequences. You are your own boss, you can change when you decide.
Why do we attract people into our lives whose relationships with us are empty, painful and dense?
- First by vibration: we attract what we vibrate.
- Second for learning: the other person is a reflection of you, he will show you your shadows so you can recognize them and work on them.
- The third due to internal conflicts: You did not learn to love, you did not learn to Value ...
Consequently, we relate to people of the same vibratory level. You can even become attached ("falling in love") with someone like this, with the inability to love and value yourself until you end up using yourself. For it vibrationally perceives your need for Love, but only reflects your relationship with yourself. Love yourself and you will love others and others will love you.
This is not an invitation to not have sex, on the contrary, you must make LOVE as often as you want! But before that, vibrate up, to attract a person with whom you can be stable and help you grow and not tear down the evolutionary work.
People who have VIBRATION know how to choose LOVE and LIGHT.
Never sleep with someone you don't want to be with, don't do it out of revenge or because you have to...

Source: Radu Adrian Delea


This writing was not my own, but it aligns with my wisdom and experience of life and intimacy.

Previously in my life I was more or less unconscious about this energy transfer as well as the auric imprint and even DNA imprint that sex can have in our lives, so I attracted partners that were merely beautiful on the outside, but they had not done their inner cleaning, their inner work, so I took on a lot of lower vibrations.

Now, I am greatly conscious of this exchange and I also have regular cleansing rituals where I cut cords and purify my aura and free my soul from unhealthy entanglements, this has improved my life hugely and I also attract consicous women into my life. To me it is not about sex anymore, sex is a byproduct of deeper intimacy and connection, if there is no true connection I will not enter that cave if you understand as some caves carry sacred and love, others carry a lot of entanglements and a web of spiders, it is crucial to sense the difference and only your intuition can. This goes for both men and women.

What I "search" for now is divine connection, union between the conscious healed masculine and feminine, and this could only happen in my life when I marry my inner masculine and feminine, which have finally done after years of struggle, but this sacred inner union is an ongoing commitment, it is to become the beloved itself, to embody higher consciousness and surrender.

In my upcoming book of consciousness called Art of Surrender that I will publish in the spring of 2025 I dive deep into these mysteries with whoever wish to connect with these pure vibrations of consciousness. I also reveal the two main paths of life in great detail, the path of yoga(path of the seeker) and the path of Tantra(path of surrender), the sacred trials of humanity, as well as the obstacles to overcome (our shadows and ego) and take you by the hand to guide you into promised land, sprinkled with poetry and wisdom from the heart.

For my own manifestation, my work in regards to attracting and aligning with my sacred union life partner is coming into completion, she has not "materialized" yet, but my body is completely calm about it and surrender to the flow of the present moment, vibrating in alignment with that without desperate seek or the hunt the masculine usually go on to gain their female counterpart. I clearly had to experience a lot of contrasts in my life, specially in relationships in order to arrive to this point of readiness and growing as a Man, protector, lover and father maybe you can relate to that through your own journey through your own masculine and feminine attributes?

I have come to realize that we are tremendously powerful creators, we manifest into our lives whatever we truly believe in and whatever we are in vibrational alignment with, therefore we should always live with awareness in the present moment, always seek to be at our prime with open eyes as the observers we are, becoming a true witness to life and existence in the now, does that make sense to you?

To make this story short, my advice is to not seek sex or any form of attachment or entanglement, but seek deep meaningful connection with aware individuals and let intuition (your heart) guide you, not your mind. Feel what your heart is telling you and let intimacy arrive without force and without playing any game of attraction. Although the game of attraction is alluring and exciting for the ego, it carries with it impurity and does not serve the soul. Kindness, tenderness, awareness, love, compassion and peace should be the values and guiding states of awareness in any relationships, and such has been my wows to myself, only to seek these things, not the thrills of the hunt fueled by addictions.

In society, both men and women are used to the game of attraction, the game of friction that is fueled by a subtle fear, this fear is what fuels the game and this addiction, and unfortunately from an early age the pornographic industry is inverting the sacred flow between the feminine and the masculine and perverting the consciousness of humanity through luring the mind into this low vibrational game that has nothing at all to do with intimacy.

I have written this many times, "Enlightenment is intimacy in everything, thus awareness with every single moment without attachment, without a mask, without a game to play other than the game of life itself living fully and wholly (holy) in the eternal present moment."

- Kjetil Andreas Dreyer
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